Canon Malaysia

Need help with wedoo™ Wall Poster Prints?

Let us take you through a step-by-step process of creating your own wedoo™ Wall Poster Prints with ease. All that you need to create your dream wedoo™ Wall Poster Print is right at your finger tips.

  1. Upload a JPEG photo from your computer.
    1. Only .jpg file extension is allowed.
    2. Print resolution guide will indicate the quality of print.
    3. For best printing outcome, upload a photo with resolution of 300dpi and above.
    4. Only use sRGB color profile photo. aRGB or CMYK will lead to mismatch of color accuracy
  2. Click on the preferred frame size.
  3. Select the orientation of wall poster: album or portrait.
  4. Crop the photograph with defined the printing area.
  5. Select finishing type: Optional upgrade to Matte Lamanation.
  6. Identity quantity of print.
  7. Click Order
    1. If you have a wedoo™ account, login to complete order.
    2. Alternatively, you can select Express Checkout.

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