36 pages
Why 36? Because that’s the number of photos a roll of film used to contain in the good ol’ film photography days. Thirty six glorious full page photos in a square book; captioned to your heart’s content in a storyboard of your own creation (or our creation, if you would prefer).
Indexed and beautifully bound
An index sheet for easy reference, and a book bound like a precious volume for your shelf, office, home, or just to follow you around for easy reference or recollection.
Easy layout format
Simpler layouts to suit every storyboard make compilations of memorable journeys quicker and more efficient.
Inner Cover
Space inside the cover for handwritten or printed messages make the book all the more personal.
Keep, treasure or gift
An ideal way to store memories of events, journeys or adventures. What better way to thank a bridal party, appreciate trip companions, record a special birth, remember a birthday than a special book that says it all in pictures? Easy on the wallet and heavy on the impact, this book will be a treasure to receive. Ideal as a gift to those special friends and family who made your wedding so special, your trip so memorable, your birthday so eventful and your life so meaningful.
An extremely personal gift that will continue to enthrall for years. What could mean more than the capture of precious moments, preserved in a beautifully bound book and given with love?
Point and shoot! Tell your story, and leave the rest to us!